Monday, February 27, 2012

Git Er Done

We are official, certified, card-carrying life savers!**
**approximately 5% survival rate 

Checklist is getting smaller!!  :)
Due by March 17th:
  • filled out application
  • copy of birth certificates
  • copy of driver's licenses
  • copy of marriage license
  • diagram of house showing exits and room sizes (Thanks Matt!!)
  • copy of current auto insurance
  • copy of current homeowner's insurance
  • last 2 years of tax returns (Thanks Mom!!)
  • vaccines up-to-date on dogs
  • recent credit reports
  • application fee
  • child & infant first aid & cpr certification
  • bought adoption books
  • read two adoption books - John (one down, one to go)
  • write a summary for each book - John (one down, one to go)
  • read two adoption books - Michelle (slacker...)
  • write a summary for each book - Michelle ("")
  • copy of social security cards
  • copy of diplomas/degrees
  • background check
  • fingerprinting (scheduled March 3rd)
  • filled out all forms (most)

Sunday, February 19, 2012

The Border's in Order!

The border is complete! A big thanks to our generous sponsors! So far, that is 120 pieces out of 1000 if you're wondering. Now begins the search for matching middle pieces...I'm starting to wonder if picking a puzzle that's basically just different shades of brown was good idea : )

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Check, Check, Check!

We have gotten so much done recently, I am so excited!

Due by March 17th:
  • filled out application
  • copy of birth certificates
  • copy of driver's licenses
  • copy of marriage license
  • diagram of house showing exits and room sizes (trying to decide whether our nerdy brains will allow one that is not to scale)
  • copy of current auto insurance
  • copy of current homeowner's insurance
  • last 2 years of tax returns
  • vaccines up-to-date on dogs (appt. this Saturday to get Teddy's updated)
  • recent credit reports
  • application fee
  • child & infant first aid & cpr certification (class scheduled for Feb. 23)
  • bought adoption books (we have: Raising Adopted Children, The Connected Child, Adoption for Dummies, and The Whole Life Adoption Book)
  • read two adoption books - John
  • write a summary for each book - John
  • read two adoption books - Michelle
  • write a summary for each book - Michelle
  • copy of social security cards
  • copy of diplomas/degrees (photos should work - right?)
  • background check (came back clear!)
  • fingerprinting (scheduled March 3rd)
  • filled out all forms (most)
Man, it seemed like a lot more was crossed off in my head!  Oh well, here's to more progress!  :)

~ m ~

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Post-Orientation Post

Last week we had our first meeting/orientation with our agency.  We learned a lot about the agency, how they run, what services they provide, and their process in general.  It was very informative and nice to meet the people we will be working with (and getting to know REALLY well) throughout this process. 

We really feel we picked the best agency for us after going to orientation.  Just learning about what all they provide to the birthmothers before, during and after is very comforting.  They also do not match adoptive parents with the baby until they are very confident the birthmother is committed to adoption.  That will hopefully prevent more heartache down the road.

We ask that you continue to keep us in your prayers.  We came home with a lot of paperwork to fill out and a long to-do list that is due fairly soon.  We have been setting aside time to get started on it and I am confident we will get it done.  There are a lot of deep, personal questions, so please pray for us not to overthink these and answer them as honestly as we can; that will be best for all parties in the end.

So far this week, we have filled out all of our background check forms, got some notarized and sent off!  Hopefully, once that gets cleared, we can do the fingerprinting and other forms to start this process!