We have chosen an agency! It was actually the largest process of elimination we have ever embarked upon: 71 agencies across 7 countries. We were able to narrow down quite a bit based on basic info available online. We contacted 10 agencies and heard back from 8. The agencies serving Latin American countries dropped off our list mostly because the wait times were still too long for us. Several of the agencies serving Asia just didn't pan out for a variety of logistical reasons. All that left us with one: Holt International - South Korea, which happens to be the first and largest agency serving South Korea since the 70s. They average ~100 placements per year - massive compared to the domestic agency we worked with before that averaged 4-5/yr. Anyway, it is roughly a two year program and right now the long pole in the tent is us! We submitted our application online last week and have been furiously filling out forms since then. This is the packet we got in the mail:

We've started a to-do list off all the things that need to be done or gathered, etc. It feels a bit like a Zelda quest at times:
- Sign
& Notarize IASA (Holt's International Adoption
Services Agreement)
Photos of family & house
Taxes Records
Schedule of Fees Form
Transmittal Memo
Family Service Plan
Birth Parent Openness Form
Psychological Evaluation
Home Study Application
Marriage Data Sheets
Parenting Data Sheets
Medical History & Examinations
Medical Statement on Child in Adoptive Applicant’s Home
Budget Sheet
Verification of Income
4 Reference Letters
Photo/Media Release
Criminal History
Firearms Safety Verification
International Adoption Contract/Financial Agreement for Korea
Forms Receipt Acknowledgement
Home Study
I800A Form
I'm sure more things will come up as we go along. While it seems overwhelming to read, knowing that we've done it all before gives us confidence. The thing we are most anxious about is traveling to and adopting from a country that is literally on the other side of the world from where we had originally planned on going. I wonder if Rosetta Stone will let us trade in our Spanish CDs? Oh well.
Nevertheless, we are very excited about this new adventure. We will be updating the Costs/Fees page shortly to include a breakdown of the Korea program. In the meantime, please pray for energy and determination. Thanks!
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