Wow, it has been close to 2 months since we last posted. I will try to get better at it...
I have seen a few people make November (the month of Thanksgiving) their month of thankfulness and want to join the bandwagon. I know for me, and probably a lot of people, we get so wrapped up in our situation and our circumstances, that we forget to slow down and reflect on what we are thankful for. So, each day this month, I am going to talk about something I am thankful for.
Since today is the 1st of November, I thought I would talk about what is first in my life that I am thankful for - Jesus. Now, to some that may just seem like the typical Christians' Sunday School answer, but it is true. I have struggled and cried and been depressed and He has helped me through it all!! I don't know where I would be without His constant love and strength to get me through it. Thank you Jesus for all you have done, all you are doing, and all you will do through me and the world!!
The 1st of November is also the start of National Adoption Month. (I knew I could tie this in). As a Christian, we know that God the Father has adopted us all into His family - another thing we should be thankful for! This Sunday - being the first Sunday of National Adoption Month - is Orphan Sunday. This is a time to look at the orphan situation around the world, around our country and around the block. Now not everyone is called to adopt, but as Christians, we are all called to care for the least of these (including orphans). So, if you don't feel the calling to adopt, you can still care for those down the street or across the earth. You can do this by supporting (emotionally or financially) another family who is adopting or has adopted. Most families have some sort of fundraiser as the cost of adopting is fairly high. If you need some ideas, just let me know, but here are two families close to use who are both adopting from the Congo. Pray about it, talk it over with loved ones, and think about supporting them.
The Kings
They are in the process of adopting a 2 year old boy (Jude). They have a t-shirt fundraiser (the link) or Jacki is sewing like crazy with cute things you can buy to also support them.
The Hallocks
They are in the process of adopting a 4-5 year old girl (Harper Judith). They also have a t-shirt fundraiser.
The Root of the Problem
4 years ago
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