We had our second training session a few weeks ago. We learned about medications that can and cannot be given to our child when we are in the 6 month "waiting" period before finalization. We will also be having to document every medication given and every dosage given. It does seem a little overwhelming, but I understand the reasoning behind it.
They also showed us a video presentation from some prenatal exposure experts. These researchers have been studying the prenatal exposure effects of drugs, alcohol, vaccines, etc. It was a very interesting presentation and surprisingly, not as scary as I thought it would be. Obviously, smoking, drugs, and alcohol are not good for an unborn baby, but I was surprised at how low the percentages were of the birth defects or mental retardation. Anyways, they have a whole website of information if you would like to see.
We were also given a "list" of the expectant mothers they are currently working with. Last time, there were 7 mothers and 11 couples. This time, there were 5 mothers and 9 couples. Doing the math (and because she told us), they placed two babies in December!! How awesome is that!?! I believe it will be awhile until our baby comes home, but it is always good news that there are placements happening and families forming!
Not much else going on right now besides waiting. We have been wanting to get a dresser for the nursery, but any decent ones are $500-$600. So I will continue searching craigslist in hopes of finding a used one for closer to half that!
Thank you again for your support and prayers through this journey. Please also being praying for our friends, the Kings & Hallocks as they have been told their wait will be another 3-6 months longer. I know how hard the waiting is; to be so close to the end you can taste it and then be told it will be even longer would be a hard thing for me to take. I know God has a plan in all our situations; we just have to keep the faith and rely on Him.
The Root of the Problem
4 years ago