Thursday, June 21, 2012

Home Study - Check!

God was really watching over us during our homestudy - no rain!  Thank You Jesus!  It was a sunny, dry day.  :) Thank you to all those that prayed for sunshine.

The homestudy itself was not as bad as we thought.  Our caseworker came in at lunchtime, so we took her to our favorite burger joint - Mooyah! 

Lunch was followed by a 4-hour interrogation.  We had to rack our brains on things like where we have lived in the past 10 years, the name and address of the hospital we were born as well as the nearest hospital (and how far away it is.)  There were some very basic questions like physical description and occupation, to personal questions about our personalities and general outlook on life.  Luckily she had a sense of humor, which made it seem less intrusive. 

Next she toured the house to review the things on the health and safety precaution checklist. That part only took ~5 minutes, which was slightly disappointing after doing all that hard work. At least we didn't scrub the grout like last time (for the health inspector). 

Now we wait another 4-6 weeks for our caseworker to finish the 20+ page report on us which will go to the board to be reviewed and (hopefully) approved.  During that time, we will be writing our "Dear Expectant Mother" letter and printing our profile book.  Once we are approved and have sent those in, we are officially a "Waiting Family"!!! 

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Prayer Requests

This Tuesday we have our home study. They say it is not as bad as you think, but of course I worry. We looked over some of the potential questions and have some good answers lined up.

We also spent the weekend getting the house ready for a guest - cleaning, mowing, picking up, etc. We need Monday and Tuesday to be sunny, or at least not heavy rain, days. I decided to go ahead and look at the forecast. This is what I see:

I know God has a plan, but I am praying for light rain, if any, those days. Our yard can not have standing water in it when she comes to do our home study, so the thunderstorms are a little scary right now.

So I am asking you to pray for:
* wisdom to say the right things and not always our first (usually sarcastic) response
* light or no rain Monday and Tuesday - or maybe the storm can just go around our neighborhood

Thank you to all of you who have been praying and supporting us! This is the last big step before we officially become "waiting"! I know that will have it's own adventures once we get there! We almost have our bio book completely done - here is a sneak peek!
